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Prepping for Vacation - My Day Before Traveling Routine


It should come as no surprise that my list and routine-loving brain has a day before traveling routine. I like to feel prepared, especially when it comes to traveling so I like to take the day before to finalize packing, finish up some house cleaning and just get my shit together.

Here's the deal...

Clean My House

There's nothing worse than coming home from vacation to a house that looks like a bomb went off. The day before I travel I like to do a bit of a light cleaning including taking all my trash to the dumpster, cleaning out my fridge, and picking up the clutter that's accumulated around my house. There's just something about coming home to a clean house that makes it so much nicer to get home from vacation.

Change My Bedding and Set Out Towels

Since I usually have someone staying at my house to watch Wrigley changing my bedding is a must-do before traveling. I should note, this is the only part of my pre-travel list that I'll do on the day of travel. Since I typically wake up way before I need to leave I like to change my sheets then so whoever is staying has clean bedding! I also like to leave out towels for whoever is staying since I want it to be easy for them to feel at home!

Check-in for My Flight or Fill My Gas Tank

Depending on how I'm traveling I like to make sure I'm prepared. If I'm driving somewhere I like to fill up on the gas the night before so I don't have to stop at a gas station super early in the morning. If I'm flying, I make sure to check-in for my flight so I have my boarding pass saved and I can go straight to security (since I try to avoid checking a bag) when I get to the airport.

Finish Packing

As much as I try to have everything packed a few days in advance there are always a few items I can't pack until the night before. I also like to double check my bags and make sure I have everything I need because there is nothing worse than getting to your destination and realizing you forgot something. Since there are a few things I throw in my bag the morning of my trip (chargers, my phone, my keys, etc.) I like to leave myself a list on my phone or on my suitcase the night before too, just so I don't forget!

Shower, Self-Tan, Face Mask

Let's face it we all want to look good on vacation! I'm the same way. The problem is, I also love early morning flights or starting a road trip first thing in the morning so getting ready the morning of isn't really a thing. That being said, I use the day before I leave as my self-care day. This usually includes self-tanning, showering and a hydrating face mask!

That's pretty much it! I try to keep my routine simple and organized so I don't feel overwhelmed right before I head out of town!

What are some things you do before traveling?

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