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Inspiration | Why Vermont Inspires Me So Much


Ever since moving back to Vermont, I've been spending a lot of time reflecting on what inspires me. Honestly, this is never something I thought I'd ever think about, but there's something about leaving your hometown and then coming back that really makes you think about things like where you get your inspiration.

See, for 18 years I was so focused on leaving, on setting out on my own, and living my life on my terms. Which, I did. But, I always found myself somehow looking back on my hometown and my life in Vermont to inspire me and guide my choices.

So, I finally sat down and looked at exactly what about Vermont and my hometown inspires me. And, being me, I made a list.

I wanted to share that list with you because I think this can be a great way to reflect and to really focus on yourself. I'm not a hard-core journal person. I mean, sometimes I'll journal, but I prefer to make lists, like this one.

So here it is...

What Inspires Me

⭐️ The mountains

⭐️ Small town main streets

⭐️ A day on the lake

⭐️ Farms

⭐️ Spending the day with friends

⭐️ Grabbing coffee from a local coffee shop

⭐️ Walking my dog

⭐️ Spending time with my family

⭐️ Seeing my little brother in his Cadet uniform

⭐️ Knowing almost everyone when you walk into a bar, restaurant, coffee shop, store, etc.

⭐️ Autumn in Vermont

⭐️ Watching tourists discover my favorite places

I'm sure the more I think about it, the more things will end up on this list. But for now, it's a great reminder of why I feel so at home in this incredible state!

What inspires you? Let me know!

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