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23, My Year of Gratitude


These past few weeks in Vermont have flown by, so I'm not even a little bit surprised I'm late on posting about my own birthday! It also doesn't seem possible that the same week I turned 23 my little brother graduated high school, but that's a post for another day.

I love birthdays! Whether it's my own birthday, a family member's birthday, or a friend's birthday I just love them! It's so fun to be able to celebrate someone in your life and celebrate all of the excitement and joy that comes with living life to the fullest.

Now, 23 isn't typically a super exciting birthday, but this year was truly one of my most exciting birthdays! I'm big on celebrating with my family so after a year of not seeing them and being able to celebrate with them it meant so much that I was able to spend my day with the people I love and who love me!

I decided this year I wanted to start something new on my birthday. So, I've decided that each year on my birthday I'm going to pick an intention or a word that I want to focus on for the year. I know some people do this around the New Year, but having it as a birthday tradition works even better! That being said this year I want to focus on gratitude.

It's easy for us to fall into the trap of complaining and dreading things going on in our lives but if we just step back and acknowledge what we are truly grateful for, we can make our days even better!

So, here's to turning 23 and being grateful for all of the things in my life!

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